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Friendly PR
Art direction
Udvikling af prototyper
Content udvikling
Web design

Art direction og udvikling af hjemmeside

Friendly PR, ønskede at styrke deres digitale tilstedeværelse. Vi skabte en sammenhængende website identitet gennem art direction og fotoshoot. Det var vigtigt, at imødekommenhed og professionalisme skinnede igennem på den nye platform. Udviklingen af hjemmesiden fokuserede på brugervenlig navigation, optimeret funktionalitet samt et responsivt design.
Ved at integrere levende visuelle elementer med intuitive grænseflader, skabte vi en engagerende online oplevelse, der effektivt formidler Friendly PR's værdier og ydelser. Vores samarbejde resulterede i en moderne og dynamisk hjemmeside, der forbedrer interaktionen og styrker deres online tilstedeværelse.
Link til website
web design and content development for Friendly PR, showing a section of clients on website made in webflow
Udvikling af website
En ny og dynamisk hjemmeside skabt i Webflow. Optimeret brugeroplevelse og øget engagementet.
web design and content development for Friendly PR, visualizing a showcase on the website made in webflow
prototyping, web design and content development for Friendly PR, showing an overview section of all their clients on the website made in webflow
web design and content development, within art direction and photography for Friendly PR, a service section on the website made in webflow
creative web design and brand design rollout on website for Friendly PR, visualizing a user interface with an overview of their services
Art direction
Vores art direction opretholder en visuel sammenhæng, samtidig med at den fremhæver Friendly PR's distinkte identitet.
meticulous art direction, with content from our photoshoot with an analog yet modern vibe.image of a staff member working as website content from our phoshoot with art direction, content development.image of interior as website content from our photoshoot within art direction and content development for brand identity rolloutimage of the team working at the office, made for website content from our photoshoot within art direction and content development for brand identity rolloutPhotostyle and art direction, content from photoshoot and website made in webflow
Backyard in Kødbyen, part of the art direction and content developmentAnalog photo from photoshoot within art direction, developing a distinct identity for Friendly PRAnalog photo of CEO and founder of Friendly PR from the photoshoot and art direction, with a distinct visual identityAnalog photo of office entrance with the distinct identity developed throughout our art directionAnalog flash photo of a staff member, catching a distinct vibe from the art direction