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Digitalt design
Digital retning
Brand identitet
UI design
UX design

Digital udvikling af et corporate brand

Vi tror på, at selv de mest konservative virksomheder kan blive iøjnefaldende og engagerende med den rette kreative tilgang. Gennem nøje analyse og strategisk planlægning tilpasser vi vores design, så det resonerer med målgruppen og sikrer maksimal effekt, genkendelighed og funktionalitet.
Disclaimer: Dette produkt er fiktivt og utilgængeligt. Vi har udelukkende konceptualiseret og designet brandet samt en landingpage. I den forbindelse har vi udviklet den digitale retning og skabt brandets identitet, herunder logodesign, farvepalette, fotostil, ikonografi, UI-elementer mm.
corporate brand identity and logo design rollout for accounting
corporate branding, identity and logo design rollout for accounting on business cards
showing a corporate font designcontent development for a corporate brand showing numbers as infographic
corporate branding, identity and font design rollout for business and accounting
outdoor display with art direction and design campaign for a corporate brand
a color palette for a corporate brand with a conservative yet modern identity A user interface showing a website landningpage for a corporate accounting business on a desktop
showing a service section of a web design on a corporate website, with UX, UI design and icon design
corporate branding logo design for a conservative accounting business
data visualization on a corporate website with an aesthetic web design
responsive web design showing an accounting website landingpage on a mobile with an aesthetic interface
sign up to a newsletter section for a corporate accounting website